Category Archives: Important Information

Spring 2021 Week 5 (last weekend)

This is the last weekend of Spring 2021 JUSA Rec Soccer. Super thanks to everyone who refereed JUSA games this year. Without you, the kids could not have played soccer. We did good this spring! 
Just a few notes for the weekend:

1) It’s going to be hot. Take water breaks. Ask the coaches in the pregame if they want one. Remind coaches it is not a coaching moment, it’s a 20 second hydration break and the clock is running. Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated! 
2) Be Safe. Keep your phone near you at the end of the game. Unfortunately, coaches and parents have approached refs at the end of games and unpleasant conversations have ensued. Tell them you are recording the conversation. Tell me about any encounters with coaches and parents. 
3) Be Calm, Stay Calm: the heat this weekend might make everyone a little edgy so if the sideline gets agitated, find your inner ref place and ask nicely: 1)  please coach, control your sideline. 2) Please coach I am asking you 3) please coach I am telling you. Caution and then red card.  Ask, Tell, Dismiss. 
4) Run with the play! Don’t be a “center circle” ref and make sure if you are the center, run the field. Kids, coaches and parents will appreciate your energy and your close up viewpoint. You want to be neither too close nor too far from the action: 10-12 yards is a good rule of thumb. If you are the AR, run along the touchline, between the halfway line and the goal line, keeping level with the 2nd-to-last-defender or the ball, whichever is closer to the goal line. Keep up! 
5) Have Fun! Have Fun! Have Fun! 
After this weekend, the next JUSA Rec game is the Friendship Tournament in mid August followed by first games on Sept 11. 

Spring 2021 Week 4

Sideline Behavior 

Managing adults at a youth game can be difficult. Always be polite. Two coaches have been suspended this season due to sideline behavior. 

Here is the recommended procedure for handling irresponsible behavior.
1. Please
2. Please
3. Coach, irresponsible behavior is not acceptable. (Warning)
4. Behavior continues, issue a Yellow Card (Caution) to the Coach.
5. Behavior continues, issue a Red Card (Send-off) to the Coach.  

If the spectators are acting irresponsibly, ask them once “Please.”   Do not engage in any further discussion.  If the behavior does not improve go to the coach and follow the above steps.

If you are no longer in control of the match, suspend it (Blow whistle 2 times), call the coaches together, away from everyone else (center circle works), explain to them they have a choice get control of their side or you will terminate the match (abandon is now used in the Laws) and report the incident to me. 

JUSA Rec Cards

Cards are not required for JUSA Rec teams. Coaches should have the medical/registration forms. Not all JUSA teams have rec cards. 

Be at the Game 30 min early!

Coaches and refs start calling me when they don’t see refs at their games. Be respectful and get there early. Talk to coaches in pre game about game duration, sideline behavior. 

U8-U10: Subs: Talk to the coaches before the game and agree to sub at quarters. It ensures that all players play 3 quarters of the game as required by JUSA rules. Also, No punting at U8-U10. 
Call the U8-U10 games tight. Parents rather have whistles than worry about flow of the game. 

Spring 2021 Week 3

“I just want you to know that refereeing was so great for my son. It was his first job and he learned time management, money management, conflict resolution, scheduling and accountability just to name a few. He credits it so much that even still today when people ask him how he became so confident and well spoken at a young age he always says “because I started refereeing and interacting with angry adults when I was just a kid.” 

1) Player Cards: Cards are not required this weekend. Many teams will have cards. Others will not.

2) Home team chooses their sideline. There’s no “North”/”West” in the spring as teams travel to other cities and the home team providing the field should get their choice.

Coaches must stay in the technical area. No parents/coaches can sit or stand behind goals. Parents sit on the left side of their team bench. ARs do not have parents behind them! In general do not talk to parents, only to coaches.

3) Substitution Policy: 50% playing time required for every player. U8, U9, U10: no free subs. only sub at quarter breaks and at half. 25 min games, stop the game between 12 and 13 min mark for quarter and allow subs. This policy allowed for easy accountability with 50% playing time. 
U11 and older: free subs. 

4) Game Management:  Remember you set the tone the minute you walk on the field. Be Calm, Confident and Cool! And always look out for player safety. Parents and coaches will not complain about calling too many fouls.

5) No Two Mans: it is an insurance issue.  If there are only 2 refs then basically 1 flag and 1 whistle. And the club linesman standing on the flag on the other side. They only raise their flag straight up if they clearly see the ball go over either line. They can’t signal direction for a throw in nor goal kick/corner kick. The referee should be working the center toward the club linesman side of the field so as to make calls as if it is a 2 man diagonal system. And the AR should flag all calls as if it is a 2 man system. AR can set up restarts from their sideline, referee whistles everything in.

6) Thanks for being involved in the community. You are making memories for the kids!

Spring 2021 Weekend 2

Good start to the Spring program last weekend. I did not hear of many problems (only on my game when I was center! LOL) We had referees on every game. Thank you for your dedication. 

Just a few reminders this week. Arrive 30 min before the game. Coaches get nervous if they don’t see a yellow shirt near by.

1) Ref Fees: Home team will pay 100% of the ref fees. Spring Ref fees are attached. Pay is calculated at $1.70 per minute. 7×7 and 9v9 games may have one referee due to shortage of referees. I added the “two ref fee” schedule but use a club linesman. 

2) Player Cards: Cards are not required this weekend. Many teams will have cards. Others will not. Hopefully every team will have cards next weekend.  

3 ) Home team chooses their sideline. There’s no “North”/”West” in the spring as teams travel to other cities and the home team providing the field should get their choice.

Coaches must stay in the technical area. No parents/coaches can sit or stand behind goals. Parents sit on the left side of their team bench. ARs do not have parents behind them! In general do not talk to parents, only to coaches.

4) Substitution Policy: 50% playing time required for every player. U8, U9, U10: no free subs. only sub at quarter breaks and at half. 25 min games, stop the game between 12 and 13 min mark for quarter and allow subs. This policy allowed for easy accountability with 50% playing time. 
U11 and older: free subs. 

5) Protect the young ARs:  Center referees please do not allow coaches or parents to talk/yell/ scream or disrespect ARs (especially new young refs). We need to encourage & motivate young referees to return for the next game and next season. Parents should not be behind ARs. 

6) Super thanks for refereeing. You are making a difference in the community!

Spring 2022 Week One

First Spring 2022 JUSA games will start March 12 and run for 9 weeks. Only Rec and Rec Gold (Signature or Strong Rec Teams) this season. No Club teams. 

Follow CalSouth Referee COVID protocols. It is the Referee choice to wear a mask on the field. Practice social distancing and do not share equipment. Perform proper hand hygiene before play, half time and after the game.

1) You need to have a 2022 badge. I am removing those refs without a badge from the approved ref list, and you will not be able to self assign. Contact if you have questions about your badge. 

2) Ref Fees: Home team will pay 100% of the ref fees. Spring Ref fees are attached. Pay is calculated at $1.70 per minute. U8-U10 games are single referee games.

3) Player Cards Cards are not required this weekend.  Hopefully everything will be sorted out by next weekend.  

4) Water Breaks: it is going to be hot this weekend. Work with coaches with breaks midway thru the half. It is not a coaching moment but a 30 second water break.

5) Home team chooses their sideline. There’s no “North”/”West” in the spring as teams travel to other cities and the home team providing the field should get their choice.

Coaches must stay in technical area. No parents/coaches can sit or stand behind goals. Parents sit on the left side of their team bench. ARs do not have parents behind them! In general do not talk to parents, only to coaches.

6) No Dogs, No Dogs, No Dogs. School signs on fields prohibit animals on field. At Park fields, Dogs need to be at least 15 yards away from the field.

7) Have Fun, Have Fun Have Fun. It’s great for the kids to be able to play soccer again!

Week 9 Fall 2019

This week lets focus on having fun, and running all that candy off we stole from our kids halloween stash! In other words, don’t be a “center circle” ref and make sure if you are the center, run the field. Kids, coaches and parents will appreciate your energy and your close up viewpoint. You want to be neither too close nor too far from the action: 10-12 yards is a good rule of thumb. If you are the AR, run along the touchline, between the halfway line and the goal line, keeping level with the 2nd-to-last-defender or the ball, whichever is closer to the goal line. Keep up! 
Here is a quick NOCRA quiz on handling to remind you of Law 12 intricacies. 
Part 1:

Part 2:

Our next meeting is Monday, Nov 18 at YLCC at 6:30 PM.

Week 8 Fall 2019

1) It is going to be hot on Saturday. Please hydrate and offer hydration breaks to teams. Clock continues to run during water breaks. 
2) As discussed at the October monthly meeting, lets focus on communication with coaches this weekend.

 a) Don’t yell and act like a dictator (which is abuse of power). Remain calm. If someone is hollering at you, don’t yell back at them. Speak respectfully and quietly, so the coach must quiet down to hear you.
b) Greet each coach with a firm handshake, a smile and look each coach in the eyes.
Issue firm, but simple instructions to the players so they know you are capable of managing the game..
c) Start the game on time.

3) Thank you to the refs that signed up today, so we did not have to cancel games. JUSA coaches and players are grateful. 
4) Interesting article to review:

5) Have Fun and don’t forget to streeetch! 

Week 7 Fall 2019

A few notes for this weekend:
1) U9-U10 Sub Rules (all coaches have been sent emails) If you are doing U8, U9, or U10 Recreational (NOT SIGNATURE) matches, please remember the substitution procedures:

  • Games are played in QUARTERS
  • Substitutions are ONLY allowed at the quarter break (except for injury, yellow card, etc.)
  • Time STOPS – you have 90 minutes for a 50 minute game. Don’t take the time away from them.
  • It’s a quarter “break” – not a miniature halftime.  Keep it to 2 minutes or less.
  • All players must play at least THREE quarters.
  • You should mark the players sitting out each quarter on the game card to make sure nobody sits out more than one quarter.  That’s why there are boxes for each quarter next to the player’s name on the game card.

2) Coaches need to Sign the Game Cards

  • Sometimes coaches question the score later, but not their initials on the game card. Make sure they sign it at the end of the game.  

3) Shout Outs to Ref Remme, Ref Burdges & Ref Kaden Grubb

  • I received great feedback from coaches about their professionalism and patience with players. “As a coach I was very impressed and as a parent I was very touched.”

4) Monthly Meeting on Monday, 6:30 PM at Yorba Linda Community Center. Raffle for prizes!

Week 6 Notes

It’s a great weekend to ref! Check your schedule! Check your schedule! Some games still available.
Here are some notes. 
1) Humidity is low but make sure you Hydrate!
2) Take two minutes to complete Rec game cards: Coaches are starting to pay attention to standings and scores are becoming important. Make sure they sign game cards and acknowledge the score. 

3) Complete Signature Game Cards: Check player numbers and player cards. Right in jerseys #. Indicate who scored. Coaches required to sign game cards. 

4) Be Safe:  Keep your phone near you at the end of the game. Unfortunately, coaches and parents have approached refs at end of games and unpleasant conversations have ensued. Tell them you are recording the conversation. Tell me about any encounters with coaches and parents. 
5) U8-U10: Subs: Talk to the coaches before the game and agree to sub at quarters. It ensures that all players play 3 quarters of the game as required by JUSA rules. Also, No punting at U8-U10. 
Call the U8-U10 games tight. Parents rather have whistles than worry about flow of the game. 

Don’t forget to Streeetch!! Next meeting is Oct 21, 6:30PM, YLCC