FAll 2024 Week 6

Super thanks for refereeing. JUSA appreciates it. Check the Schedule!

Reverse Weekend for Sign Ups. This weekend Level 1s get to sign up first for games! 

Some Reminders:
1) Be Kind and Patient with parents, coaches and players. Rec players may still be learning and having fun. 
2) Don’t be afraid to call a foul. Have confidence. You know the laws!
3) Be early to the game. Believe it or not, coaches love to see the yellow jersey at the game. 
4) U8 Refs: Quick Reminder: be lenient about the rules and help teach the game and always keep safety in mind.

1) No penalty kicks

2) Slide Tackles are not permitted. An indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team. 

3) All offenses shall result in an indirect free kick being taken by the opposing team where the offense occurred.

4) A goal kick may be taken from anywhere within the goal area.

5) Second throw-in is allowed if there is an infraction on the first throw in. 

5) No Dogs. It is a school rule!

Have Fun! Have Fun! Have Fun!
Next Ref Meeting is Oct 22, Tuesday at 7 pm YLLC

Fall 2024 Week 4

Super thanks for being a JUSA referee this weekend. JUSA really appreciates it, and without you, 2000 children could not play soccer. 

With that being said, we are being paid well to be responsible, understand and apply the laws and keep the kids safe. 

Just a few reminders: 

1) if anyone asks for a hydration break, make sure you have one. Afternoon games might be warm. 

2) Each team pays half, collect from each coach/team manager.

3) Have a good pregame with each coach: confirm length of game, substitutions, sideline behavior and “I may have a different angle than what you see”

4) JUSA teams have player cards. Check them. 

5) Be professional. Wear the full referee kit. 

6) if you have a CSL game, accept the game in the app. Centers are responsible for reporting the match in the CSL app. 
7) Thank the coaches for coaching. They work hard and volunteer a lot of hours. 

FAll 2024 Week 3

A few reminders for the weekend:

1) Please be on time for games. Last weekend I received several calls from coaches and other referees about refs being late. You need to be at the game 30 min before the game time. 
2) Each team pays half. You should collect from both coaches. 
3) No dogs on school fields. It is a School rule not a JUSA rule. 
4) Strong Pre game with Coaches.

A) Confirm the length of the half (25 min, 30 min 35 min)
B) Substitutions: U8-U10 at quarters only, Other ages: free subs at half field
C) Sidelines: Coach you are in control of sideline. Only talk to Coach, do not talk to parents
D) Angles: “Coach I may have a different angle than you, so we play on”

5) If you have a CSL game, centers are required to use the app to send in the match results.

FAll 2024 Week 1

Welcome back to Fall Soccer!!

BE EARLY – At least 30 minutes prior to your first game. Coaches, and your crew mates, get worried and start calling me and I am working games too.

Double-check your schedules as there were some time/field changes.

I sent the fee schedule in an email. Print it and keep it with you. Teams pay half.

No Dogs: Schools do not allow animals on their fields. Please ask the coach to ask the parent to remove the animals. We rent the fields from the schools and can not risk losing the fields due to an animal. At City Park fields, animals should be at least 15 yards away from the field. 


Most teams will have player cards. Check them please.

If you’ve never done U8 before, REVIEW THE Build Out line rules.
Recreational: NO HEADING in U8, U9, U10 or U12
Select CSL: NO HEADING in U9, U10 or U11. Heading is ALLOWED in Select CSL U12.

There are some Rec players who were added late and don’t yet have a uniform. They may play in any shirt that’s generally the same color as their team, or an appropriate pinnie.

Referees should have a complete Ref kit. Yellow shirt is the primary color for JUSA and won’t conflict with JUSA teams. Use a watch not your cell phone!


JUSA Recreational U8, U9, and U10 play QUARTERS in the fall. Substitutions may ONLY be made at the quarter break. Since all players must play at least 3 quarters, you should mark the players sitting out each quarter on the game card so that if you attempt to mark a player sitting out for a second quarter, you can remind the coach of the mandatory, minimum play time requirements.
All other age groups and all Signature and InterCity matches allow unlimited substitutions at any stoppage. Players must play at least 50% of the game – a responsibility of the coach to maintain, but point out any obvious issues.

Field Conditions
If you arrive at your field and the grass is long, please let us know so we can send a notice to the school district.
If field lines are faint, use cones to mark sidelines and boxes.
Game Cards: Coaches should hand you a completed card for you to check players against cards. 

CSL/Select Games on Travis Ranch and Yorba Linda Middle School Fields

Centers will need to record the score on the CSL app or mail in the match report. 
Coaches should give you a stamped envelope to mail in the match report. 
Refs who download the CSL ref app and use it to photograph and submit the match reports do not need to mail the match report but should keep the copy until the end of the season. 

HEAT: Hydration Breaks
It will be very warm this weekend. Allow hydration breaks as needed. Running clock.

Spring 2024 Week 9

See what a parent wrote about a referee recently and understand her expectations from Referees. 
“Hi Rodney,
I’m sure you hear all of the negative, so today I wanted to share a positive with you. Last weekend my son played at Linda Vista ES (Kilbarger 2014). The ref that we had for that game was just fantastic. He was a young man that clearly knew and loved the game! He ran with the ball the entire game to make sure he never missed a play, and remained very fair throughout the game. Please let him know his hard work is appreciated:) “

Please remember to report any major injuries to me. 

Spring 2024 Week 8

It looks to be a beautiful weekend to play soccer. Lets keep it simple and go back to basics. 

1) Stay close to the ball and position yourself to see fouls.

2) Don’t be a center ref. Run with the play. 

3) Introduce yourself to both coaches

4) Call a handful more fouls in the game vs a handful less.

Above all, have some fun!

Spring 2024 Week 7

Let’s make this a “please” and ” thank you” weekend! 
If a coach is dissenting loudly, use the word “please” a lot. For example, “Please coach, control your sideline.””Please coach, stay in your technical area.””Please coach, stop yelling. I can hear you.””Please talk to the player before I caution him”
If I receive a video and the ref is politely asking the coach to calm down, it is easier to point out the aggressor., 

On the other hand, it is important to thank the coach for their work. “Coach, JUSA says thank you for coaching. We know you put in a lot of volunteer hours.””Just want to say Thanks Coach. I bet the parents and kids haven’t told you thank you in a while.””Thanks Coach. the kids appreciate you and how you help them.””Thanks Coach, you are making a difference in the kids lives”

Have a fun weekend! 

Spring 2024 Week 6

1) Check your schedule. Games have changed. Fields have changed.

2) Be early to games. Coaches and Fellow Refs get nervous if you are not there 30 min before game time. I hear about late refs all the time. 

3) Be professional, wear the full referee kit. Introduce yourself to coaches. They appreciate it.

 4) Be confident with your whistle, see a foul, call the foul. 

5) April Meeting is next week. I’m confirming the room and time

6) Next weekend schedule opens at 5 pm on Saturday.  Plenty of games. 

You make the call! Watch this video. 

Spring 2024 Week 1

Check your schedule. Check your Schedule. Games and Fields changed and your game may have moved or dropped.

BE EARLY – At least 30 minutes prior to your first game. Coaches, and your crew mates, get worried and start calling me, and I am working games too.

Print the Fee Schedule and keep it with you. Home team pays full amount.

No Dogs: Schools do not allow animals on their fields. Please ask the coach to ask the parent to remove the animals. We rent the fields from the schools and can not risk losing the fields due to an animal. At City Park fields, animals should be at least 15 yards away from the field. 


Player Cards are not required the first weekend. Many coaches will have player cards. Some will not.

If you’ve never done U8 before, REVIEW THE Build Out line rules.

Recreational: NO HEADING in U8, U9, U10 or U12

There are some Rec players who were added late and don’t yet have a uniform. They may play in any shirt that’s generally the same color as their team, or an appropriate pinnie. JUSA home teams have pinnies if there is a color conflict.


JUSA Recreational U8, U9, and U10 play QUARTERS in the spring. Substitutions may ONLY be made at the quarter break. Since all players must play at least 3 quarters, you should mark the players sitting out each quarter on the game card so that if you attempt to mark a player sitting out for a second quarter, you can remind the coach of the mandatory, minimum play time requirements.
All other age groups and all Gold matches allow unlimited substitutions at any stoppage. Players must play at least 50% of the game – a responsibility of the coach to maintain, but point out any obvious issues.

Field Conditions
If field lines are faint, use cones to mark sidelines and boxes.

Game Cards: Coaches should hand you a completed card for you to check players against cards. 

Have Fun! Have Fun!