- Rec U12 may NOT head as it’s a combined U11/U12 bracket.
- RecSelectGold U11 may NOT head.
- RecSelectGold U12 CAN HEAD.
Tag Archives: spring
JUSA Spring Week 2
Make sure you are subscribed to RainedOut to get the latest field information. I get the info from the same place, so don’t e-mail/text me about fields open/closed – subscribe to the service.
Text JUSAUPDATES (all one word) to 84483 to receive alerts about field conditions on your mobile phone.
Player Cards
Player cards are not required this weekend. Some coaches may not have admin cards yet, either, and some new coaches are unable to get them at all. There is an issue, currently, with no new coaching certifications being offered by Cal South due to a changeover in the manner and means of coach education. I know it has affected several Fullerton teams and possibly others.
Some JUSA teams may not have all/some of their uniforms yet. Similar-colored shirts or pinnies with or without numbers are fine.
JUSA Yorba Linda and Placentia fields are closed today.
If you are signed up for RainedOut you should have received the notification at 7:51am
Please be sure to read the notifications carefully. A previous notification said, “FR:JUSA OJSC Fields and ASA fields are open March 3.” All the RainedOut notifications start “FR:JUSA” so don’t confuse that with the actual text of the email. That notification was for OJSC and ASA (Anaheim) fields, only.
JUSA Spring Season 2018
Spring season starts next Saturday, March 3rd.
Check your e-mail for the information sent out today.
Sign-ups will start as soon as we have a schedule.
Playoff sign-ups for 5/17 & 5/18
Schedules are now loaded for Semi-Finals on Saturday 5/17 and Finals on 5/18.
Level 3 and Level 4 referees (and associated family members) may sign up now.
Level 2 referees (and associated family members) may sign up starting at 5pm on 5/9
Level 1 referees (and associated family members) may sign up starting at 5pm on 5/10
All level restrictions will be removed at 5pm on Sunday, 5/11 when Level 0 refs would normally be able to sign up.
There are six games at many fields on Saturday 5/17. Remember, FOUR games is the maximum, per referee.
If you sign up for finals on Sunday, please try to do a different division/pool than you sign up for on Saturday, for semifinals, where possible.
May 17/18
Playoffs will be the weekend of May 17th and 18th. Within the next week or two, at least 40 games will be added to the schedule on Saturday May 17th, as semifinals for U9 through U19 in addition to at least 20 finals on Sunday May 18th. Teams will be seeded after their games on May 11th.
There are already U7 and U8 games on the schedule for May 17th as these teams do not participate in playoffs. Only sign up for the U7/U8 games if you intend to stay on them. Do not fill those games and then ask to drop so you can move over to U9 through U19 playoff games. The playoff games will be added – just be patient. There will be special sign-up restrictions put in place, once the schedules are released, for the higher level referees to sign up first.
Spring League – Week 4 – Important Info

Spring League – Week 3 – Important Info

Spring League – Week 1 – Important Info
This weekend’s schedule is now finalized and, as of this moment, all refereeing spots have been filled.
Make sure you are EARLY to your assignments – 30 minutes at least. I start getting phone calls from nervous coaches at 8:45am when you aren’t already at the field.
If there are locked gate issues, locked equipment issues, etc., let me know by 8:40am since I am refereeing at 9am and will start checking teams in by 8:45.
You can solve most of these problems on your own with these important contacts from the JUSA Handbook:
Yorba Linda Area Director – Gary Farrell 818-262-0598
Placenta Area Director – James Harman 714-863-7056
The above can help with locked school gates or locked equipment (goals & lockers)
In addition, you can also try:
Director of Field Equipment – Dick Bednar – 714-345-6890
KEEP GAMES ON TIME – Games are stacked closer together than Recreational games in the fall. You only have 90 minutes between 60 & 70 minute games and that includes halftime and checking in the next set of teams.
Sunset is 5:54pm so at fields where there are 4:30 start times, the morning referees need to keep to the schedule so these last games can be played while it’s still light out.
Do not forget to set your clocks ahead 1 hour on Saturday night. No excuses for being an hour late to games on Sunday.
Player cards are not required for games this weekend. The coach should have signed Medical Releases (CalSouth Player Registration Forms) for all players. If not, make sure the parents are present at the game and plan to stay, just in case there is a severe injury.
Let the coach know they should have those forms with them at all times, including at practices.
- All age brackets allow free substitutions, at any stoppage, with permission of the referee, at all age levels.
- There are no quarter breaks like we usually have on the small-sided 8v8 games. Depending on weather, and with agreement of both coaches, you may stop the game for a brief “water break” if deemed necessary, but spring schedules are much tighter than fall so keep the games on time.
- Home team chooses which sideline they occupy. While this is not necessarily a refereeing issue, we are often asked to arbitrate such disagreements. Since spring games are played in many cities using many associations’ fields, the home team, per the schedule, is given the opportunity to choose which sideline they prefer.
- Guest players: With teams often having players involved with more than one spring sport, sometimes teams need to use guest players. However, no guest club players are allowed.
- In addition, uniforms in Spring might not always be….uniform. As long as the referees and players can tell which team is which, whatever they wear is okay even if they are different shades of a common color or the jerseys/T-shirts are different styles. There should be a number on the back even if it’s written on with marker or applied with tape so the referee can identify individual players. Mismatched shorts and sock colors don’t matter.In the event of matching colors, home team should be asked to change or wear pinnies. Speak with the coaches and have everyone be reasonable about working with you to make sure the game can be played.
Referee fees are mostly based on the Fall rates for Recreational games. A document outlining the fee schedule for spring is here:
It is everyone’s responsibility in the referee crew to bring small bills in order to split the fees correctly.
Teams playing in the U10 Select bracket will be playing 11v11 with full-sized goals as practice for moving to U11 in the Fall season. These games will be played at Y23 Woodsboro, P10 Wagner and on Sundays at Y36 Brush Canyon. Games will be 60 minutes in length and the fees will be the same as U11/U12: $72.
U10 games at Y5 Mabel Paine and CP1/2 Brookhaven will be small-sided, 8v8, with the small, 6’x18′ goals.
In the event that one team does not show up for some reason, DO NOT collect any fees from the team that DOES show up. Tell the team that does show up to record the score as a 1-0 win.
It has been decided this spring that if a team fails to show for a game, they are responsible for 100% of the referee fees. They will be required to submit the fees to the JUSA office by the following Wednesday or further sanctions such as additional forfeits, standings point deductions, or bans from post-season play may be incurred.
Please inform me if there is a no-show and let me know if the online schedule accurately reflects the referee crew that was present so that once payment is made I can pass it along to those affected.