FAll 2023 Week 3

1) Check your schedule. Game times & Fields change.

 2) Each team pays half the fees. You should collect from both coaches.

3) The referee split is 40% for Center and 30% for ARs

4) U8-U10 games are broken into quarters with a running clock. Subs happen at the quarter. 

5) CSL Games: you are required to enter the game scores and match report on the CSL App. Player cards are required and you must line out players.

6) Don’t be afraid to whistle a foul! No one calls me to tell me the referee called too many fouls. 

7) All JUSA rec teams have player cards. Check them against the players. 

Fall 2023 Week 2

1) Check the schedule, check the schedule. Games, fields change

2) No Dogs, No Dogs. It is a school rule not a JUSA rule

3) JUSA Rec Player cards are not required this weekend but most coaches will have them. 

4) CSL matches require cards and you have to line out the players. See an earlier note to csl refs.

5) Pre game with coaches: cover 4 items 

a) confirm length of game ex 35 min

b) Coach is responsible for your sideline

c) Substitution rules (free subs on my whistle or at quarters)

d) Angles: I might have a different angle than you and see it differently.

6) Be early. Coaches get nervous and call me if they don’t see a yellow shirt! 

FAll 2023 Week 1 Notes

Welcome back to Fall Soccer!!

BE EARLY – At least 30 minutes prior to your first game. Coaches, and your crew mates, get worried and start calling me and I am working games too.

Double-check your schedules as there were some time/field changes.

The fee schedule is attached. Print it and keep it with you. Teams pay half.

No Dogs: Schools do not allow animals on their fields. Please ask the coach to ask the parent to remove the animals. We rent the fields from the schools and can not risk losing the fields due to an animal. At City Park fields, animals should be at least 15 yards away from the field. 


Player Cards are not required the first weekend. Many coaches will have player cards. Some will not.

If you’ve never done U8 before, REVIEW THE Build Out line rules.
Recreational: NO HEADING in U8, U9, U10 or U12
Select CSL: NO HEADING in U9, U10 or U11. Heading is ALLOWED in Select CSL U12.

There are some Rec players who were added late and don’t yet have a uniform. They may play in any shirt that’s generally the same color as their team, or an appropriate pinnie.


JUSA Recreational U8, U9, and U10 play QUARTERS in the fall. Substitutions may ONLY be made at the quarter break. Since all players must play at least 3 quarters, you should mark the players sitting out each quarter on the game card so that if you attempt to mark a player sitting out for a second quarter, you can remind the coach of the mandatory, minimum play time requirements.
All other age groups and all Signature and InterCity matches allow unlimited substitutions at any stoppage. Players must play at least 50% of the game – a responsibility of the coach to maintain, but point out any obvious issues.

Field Conditions
If you arrive at your field and the grass is long, please let us know so we can send a notice to the school district.
If field lines are faint, use cones to mark sidelines and boxes.
Game Cards: Coaches should hand you a completed card for you to check players against cards. 

CSL/Select Games on Travis Ranch and Yorba Linda Middle School Fields

Centers will need to record the score on the CSL app or mail in the match report. 
Coaches should give you a stamped envelope to mail in the match report. 
Refs who download the CSL ref app and use it to photograph and submit the match reports do not need to mail the match report but should keep the copy until the end of the season. 

HEAT: Hydration Breaks
It will be very warm this weekend. Allow hydration breaks as needed. Running clock.

Fall Heat Guideline

JUSA will not be cancelling games unless the temperature hits over 100 degrees. Which means that if your game is in the morning at 90 you play. We have a limited window, so we do not have the luxury of rescheduling to many games. Any games not played during the season will be played at the end of the regular season if possible. During these hot Game Days please take extra water breaks as needed. Discuss break with both the opposite coach and the referee so that you are on the same page. If a player, coach or ref asks for a water break one should be given. Regardless if you agree or disagree with the need. Safety, Safety Safety.

Spring 2023 Week 10

All: we are getting close to the end of the spring season. Thank you for refereeing this spring!
Just one request this weekend: 
Don’t be a “center circle” ref and make sure if you are the center, run the field. Kids, coaches and parents will appreciate your energy and your close up viewpoint. You want to be neither too close nor too far from the action: 10-12 yards is a good rule of thumb. 
If you are the AR, run along the touchline, between the halfway line and the goal line, keeping level with the 2nd-to-last-defender or the ball, whichever is closer to the goal line. Keep up!

Spring 2023 Week 8

1) it will be hot again. Take water breaks if needed. Especially in the afternoon. Ask the coachesin pre game. 
2) Run with the play! Don’t be a “center circle” ref and make sure if you are the center, run the field. Kids, coaches and parents will appreciate your energy and your close up viewpoint. You want to be neither too close nor too far from the action: 10-12 yards is a good rule of thumb. If you are the AR, run along the touchline, between the halfway line and the goal line, keeping level with the 2nd-to-last-defender or the ball, whichever is closer to the goal line. Keep up! 
3) Be professional: wear the full referee uniform kit. Remember you are getting paid for a great job. 
4) Be on time please. Coaches start calling me if they don’t see you on the field 30 min before the game. 

5) No Dogs! No Dogs! It is a school policy not a JUSA policy. 
6) Enjoy the game and have fun! 

Spring 2023 Week 7 Notes

1) It is going to be hot this weekend. If a coach, player or referee requests a water break, make it happen. It is a one minute hydration break and the clock continues to run. 
2) Be Kind and Patient with parents, coaches and players. Rec players may still be learning and having fun. 
3) Don’t be afraid to call a foul. Have confidence. You know the laws! At the end of the game, chances are you could have called more fouls. No one sends me an email complaining about too many whistles. 
4) Be early to the game. Believe it or not, coaches love to see the yellow jersey at the game. 
5) U8 Refs: Quick Reminder: be lenient about the rules and help teach the game and always keep safety in mind.

a) No penalty kicks

b) Slide Tackles are not permitted. An indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team. 

c) All offenses shall result in an indirect free kick being taken by the opposing team where the offense occurred.

d) A goal kick may be taken from anywhere within the goal area.

e) Second throw-in is allowed if there is an infraction on the first throw in. 

Have Fun! Have Fun! Have Fun!

Spring 2023 Week 4

All: Remember no April Fools fouls. See a foul, call a foul! Keep it simple. 
1) Check the schedule. Games change! Be early. 

2) Home team pays 100% of Fees

3) Have a good Pre Game with the coaches: Introduce the Ref Team, confirm time, head coach, sideline behavior, and subs. Make a human connection. 

4) JUSA Teams have player cards. Check them. 

5) No heading in REC U8, U9, U10, U12. 

6) Be professional, wear the full Ref Kit. 

Have Fun! You have the best seat in the house!

Spring 2023 Information

Games start March 11

•Schedules Change! –Double Check schedules (about 120 spots each weekend) –Plan on releasing schedules in two week increments: level 4s, then 3s, 2s etc

  At first: do not sign up for two centers (two whistles on schedule) in row, give everyone a chance

  At first: do not sign up for more than two single ref games, give everyone a chance

  Wednesday: allowed to sign up for fourth game

•Be Early: 30 Min prior to first game •

•Start games on time so last game is not delayed. Parents expect a certain time commitment.

• •Fees: print them and bring to game –Home Team pays full amount

•Dual System (two whistles) is prohibited in US Soccer Sanctioned Games – If only 2 referees show up, you pay the 2 referee fee however, the home team must supply a Club Linesman. USYS has banned the two referee on the field system that used to be used. The club linesman can indicate out of bounds but the center referee is the only one who can indicate off side or direction of throw-in. The second referee will be the linesman on the other side and that referee can indicate direction of a throw-in and off side. •Water Breaks –If it is hot, take them. Tell coaches ahead of time. Running clock.

•Injuries –Call the Coach over! Do not get involved. –Always watch for possible head injury. –Send me a note if there is a major injury –No casts

U-8 –U10 Play 7v7 One Referee –Teams will have cards (maybe not the first week) –Approx 12 min quarters (25 min total per half) Running clock. –10 min halftime –NO “free subs”. Substitute a quarter break only –Build- out line •Players may cross the line when the ball is released •No drop kicks or punting •Keepers playing quickly, do not need to wait •Offside is called from the build out line to the Goal line –No heading

U12 is 9v9 •U14/U16 is 11v11 •Free Substitutions anytime with referee permission •Heading –Combined U11/U12 (Rec or Rec Gold) – NO heading –All U14 and older divisions •Heading allowed

Fall 2022 Week 9

All: not too many weekends left in the season. Let’s finish strong with good calls, patience and kindness and move your clock back Saturday night. Be at the fields early please. 

1) Be Safe. Keep your phone near you at the end of the game. Unfortunately, coaches and parents have approached refs at the end of games and unpleasant conversations have ensued. Tell them you are recording the conversation. Tell me about any encounters with coaches and parents. 

2) Be Calm, Stay Calm: lack of sleep due to the one less hour plus pressure to make playoff games may makeeveryone a little edgy, so if the sideline gets agitated, find your inner ref place and ask nicely: 1)  please coach, control your sideline. 2) Please coach I am asking you 3) please coach I am telling you. Caution and then red card.  Ask, Tell, Dismiss. 

3) Run with the play! Don’t be a “center circle” ref and make sure if you are the center, run the field. Kids, coaches and parents will appreciate your energy and your close up viewpoint. You want to be neither too close nor too far from the action: 10-12 yards is a good rule of thumb. If you are the AR, run along the touchline, between the halfway line and the goal line, keeping level with the 2nd-to-last-defender or the ball, whichever is closer to the goal line. Keep up! 

4) Call the Games Tight! Coaches and parents are complaining we are missing fouls. Don’t be afraid to blow your whistle. 5)CSL Centersat YLMS & Travis Ranch fields must use the CSL app to report the match score.