Unusual non-offside situation
Defender tries to make the call for the AR and it backfires:
JUSA Spring League 2014 – Updated info
Schedules, Teams & Brackets
The schedule will hopefully be online Sunday, March 2nd. Keep checking your email for when you may begin signing up for games.
Rule Differences
There are some important rule differences for JUSA spring soccer for all brackets (Recreational and Select):
- All age brackets allow free substitutions, at any stoppage, with permission of the referee, at all age levels.
- There are no quarter breaks like we usually have on the small-sided 8v8 games. Depending on weather, and with agreement of both coaches, you may stop the game for a brief “water break” if deemed necessary, but spring schedules are much tighter than fall so keep the games on time.
- Home team chooses which sideline they occupy. While this is not necessarily a refereeing issue, we are often asked to arbitrate such disagreements. Since spring games are played in many cities using many associations’ fields, the home team, per the schedule, is given the opportunity to choose a sideline at their own home field.
- Guest players: With teams often having players playing more than one spring sport, sometimes teams need to use guest players. I will get the final wording on guest players, but as I recall it being presented to the coaches at the coaches’ meeting two weeks ago, teams may only have guest players if they will not have enough players to have at least 2 substitutes and, I believe, the limit on guest players for any team for any single game is 2. No guest club players are allowed. There will be official rosters that will be “locked” after the 3rd weekend of play and no guest players will be allowed to participate in playoffs. I will send out further clarification on guest players in the next week or so.
Referee fees are mostly based on the Fall rates for Recreational games. A document outlining the fee schedule for spring is here:
U7/U8 games will be 1-referee, as usual. All other games, including 8v8 U9/U10, will use the 3-referee system.
There may be some new information regarding handling of “no-show” teams this spring. I will forward this information once it’s finalized.
Penalty Kick Fail
Remember, during Kicks From The Mark, the attempt is not over until the ball has lost all momentum
Very Quick Goal
High School player in Georgia scores seconds into the game